The cattle are lowing, the baby momma awakes...yes, I was awakened by the sound of a poor momma cow looking for her baby last night. Yesterday was the day that Travis and the other fellas of Cow Bird Lane took the babies from their mommas. It's a part of the farm life that I don't think I'll ever come to terms with. The babies are being placed in another pasture, while poor momma walks around wondering why on earth her little one is not answering her call.
We went to bed last night, and it wasn't three minutes I hear her calling. I think to myself, well she'll give up in a few minutes. Not.a.chance!!!!!!!! She mooed all night long looking for her little one. It was the same cow, all night. If I were to lose one of my children, I'd probably walk around and look for them. Not this momma. She wanted to stand right outside of our window and moo. Get a hint sister, they aren't answering you so do us all a big favor and BE QUIET!!! I would fall asleep, only to roll over to hear her calling, again... and again... and again! Above: She's the one in the middle. Below: You can see her as she leans her head forward calling for her baby!
This morning I drag myself out of bed just before Travis left for the day. I told him to make sure he found his distraught momma cow, load her up and take her to the sale. Yes, I know that's a bit cold hearted on my behalf, but I LIKE SLEEP. He just laughed and patted me on the back. He takes nothing I say to heart, nothing. So, I immediately start my coffee that wasn't due to brew until 7:00. It was only 6:52! I'm giving myself a pep talk to wake up, when I hear it. It was her, still mooing for this calf that has been gone for several hours now. Keep in mind, she's not the only momma out there that is without child today. Several of them become childless yesterday but you don't hear any of the rest of them making such a ruckus, now do you?! I took Carter to school, and when I returned she was still standing in the same area, doing the same thing she'd been doing since 10:00 last night.
Dear heartbroken momma...come on sister... get a grip. Mooooooove on, you'll have another baby in another 10-12 months. In the meantime, please stop mooing. Once or twice is cute, and pulls at my heartstrings but by this point I'm over you and have no sympathy for you. Good day.
Do you recognize that little tune, you know from the Smurfs? Everyone remembers the little blue people. I loved that cartoon! On Tuesday while I was getting Carter ready, Tucker walked out of the room. I knew the majority of what was laying around and assumed he'd be just fine until I was finished with Carter. To my surprise he came back into the room looking like Papa Smurf! I couldn't help but laugh as he sucked on the blue marker, left out by his brother.
Friday was such a fun day with Carter. I was glad that Travis and I were able to spend a few hours with just him. I think sometimes he feels he gets the short end of the stick, with all our attention on Tucker. He was thrilled to go to the circus. He couldn't wait to see the elephants and tigers.
We dropped Tucker off with Granny, and we were on our way. As we were driving down the back roads heading towards the interstate Carter said, "Momma, that water slide (the road) keeps getting dry before we get there!" I was so confused. For the life of me I had no idea where this comment came from. There was a car ahead of us and Carter said, "see, that Car went through the water on the slide (the road) but when we get there the water is all gone!" Travis and I just looked at each other so puzzled. Carter then said, "look, look, there it is!" We looked ahead of us and on the road we saw the heat waves that do look like water puddles if you think about it. We just laughed, and then explained to him what it was. I still don't understand why the road was considered a water slide, but whatever!
Unfortunately for, on our way to the circus we had to make a detour to take care of some business, and he was a little irritated that we weren't going straight to the circus. We had to go to the beach to take care of this business, which meant we had to take the interstate which we don't normally travel. We were going to the 'busy' side of our city and Carter has never been that way. When we exited the interstate, on to another busy highway we had to make a huge circle on the off ramp. As we continued around Carter pipes up from the backseat and says, "how do we get off of here Dad?!" Again, another funny Carter comment. I just chuckled to myself because I suppose our little country boy is somewhat sheltered! :) We arrived at the office, and Carter made sure to tell everyone there that he was going to the circus to see elephants. Our appointment didn't take long, thank goodness!
We were finally on our way to the circus for real this time. Travis had me doing the driving since we were cutting it close on time. I had two backseat drivers... I think they were both a little scared, LOL!!! When we pulled in at the arena, Carter's excitement was busting out of the truck! He was unbuckling his seatbelt, jabbering about anything and everything and it was almost like he'd eaten a dozen chocolate candies! Walking to the arena, I couldn't help but smile. He's such a blessing and his excitement and the smile on his face really makes all the chaotic days as a momma worth every minute!
We found our seats and they were allowing the kids to come down and meet the clowns, and try on costumes and a lot of other fun stuff. We walked down but once we made it there, Carter wanted nothing to do with anything that was going on. So we climbed the stairs back to our seats and waited patiently for the show to begin. His eyes were so busy trying to keep up with everything that was going on. It was nothing but amazement, he was even sitting still he was so amazed.
It was time. The lights dimmed, and the music started to play. By this point Carter was on the edge of his seat. Out came every clown, every animal, people on stilts, beautiful costumes, funny cars, you name it... we saw it. The elephants were by far his favorite. He also really enjoyed the motorcycles that get into the round ball. Yeah, those guys scared the heebie jeebies out of me! They started out with three, no big deal... I could see how that would work. They moved up to four, then five, they ended up with SEVEN motorcycles in that one little ball. I won't lie, I was nervous, I was nauseous and all I could think is my son is fixing to witness a huge mess!!!
One of my favorite shows was the people who were able to balance each other on their stomachs, or one handed. It was insane!! There were three women and I promise you they could move in ways I didn't think were possible. They honestly must not have a backbone, or hipbones, or any joint that normal humans have!! All I could think was, I would be broken into a million pieces!! There were two brothers that could lift each other with one arm. Another man and woman, and she supported all of his weight on her legs while squatting, and then balanced all of the mans weight on her stomach while squatting. I can't explain it, you just have to see it for yourself.
I thoroughly enjoyed the afternoon with Carter. It's so much fun to watch him enjoy new things. Watching him on Friday really made me realize that he's growing up too quick. I'd love to just stall the hands of time for a bit and not let him grow anymore, but I know I have to. Next year, I'm sure Tucker will enjoy the show too!! I am one blessed momma, that's for sure! I LOVE YOU CARTER BUG xoxo
It's Saturday morning, that means we should be resting and relaxing. Nope, not here. I lay in the bed listening to the little chubsy wubsy from the other side of the house calling me to his service. I lay there thinking, he'll go back to sleep. He has too, it's only 6:39 a.m.! Why can't I make them see that I am not a morning person, I don't like waking before the sun rises. It makes me grouchy, it makes me more tired, and bottom line, I JUST DON'T LIKE IT!
Carter has started sleeping in later. I mean at this point in my life I see 8:00 as late. I remember the days waking up and the sun would almost be over the top of the house. Yes, I'm ashamed to say I would sleep that late if my dear husband would let me. Now days, I long for 8:00 to appear on my clock before my little green eyes have to open. If only I could make Tucker understand that sleeping in until 8:00 was the "new" thing to do. Sadly, I've come to the conclusion that they are not going to sleep for me. They aren't going to have pitty on me, they are out to get me. Where's the love...can someone tell me? I've also come to the conclusion that they will start sleeping in when my body decides to take on that waking early to watch the sunrise thing that 'older', more 'mature' people do! Oh the joys of motherhood, the smiles from chubsy before sunrise as he beats me in the head. The tugs on my arm from Carter telling me to turn on kids movies. I suppose being woke up by those two sweet critters is worth the sleep I once treasured as a teenager.
Thank you my sweet children for the hours of sleep you do allow me to have. Just remember, one day, you'll be parents and your memories of sleep will be just that... a memory. OH WAIT, no they won't... you guys will be Daddy's and you'll have a Mommy for your babies and she'll do all the waking. How could I forget, mommy's get the short stick. Bah-humbug!
So I thought I'd ask Carter some random questions and let you all know what he said. Four year old conversation can really brighten your days!!!
*Why is today Friday?
Because Friday is school, and today is the circus. Nothing else is today.
*Who is your favorite person & why?
You momma, because I love you.
*How much money does Daddy have?
Five monies.
*What are you most excited to see at the circus today?
ELEPHANTS! They are going to do tricks, and I'm going to go fishing!
Bless his heart, I think he might be a little surprised to find out he won't be fishing!!! Hope you all have a super Fun Friday. Remember to enjoy the day, don't wish it away! Circus pictures coming soon!!!!
There's nothing better then a rainy day to give you the down time you need sometimes. Today is definitely one of those days. It's been a busy week of doing nothing. Does that make any sense at all? Seriously, how can you do nothing at all but be busy??? If any of you have the answer(s) to that question, please enlighten me!
Monday Carter did not have school, so he spent the afternoon with my mom and my brother. They were cleaning our old house, so that Jason and Megan can move in. It seem so weird to go back into that house. It still smells like "us", and I can picture right where everything was, different little moments stand out in my head... and I smile. It felt really strange to walk back in there with Tucker and let him walk all over the place. It was like he knew where he was. Watching him walk so wobbly through each room I remembered the first days of Carter walking. Then he went to the kitchen and stood at the window and babbled. My heart smiled.
On Tuesday, I had the plan to go into town and I was going to purchase a sit and stand stroller. Babies R Us had them on sale and I just knew I needed one. Going to the mall with both of the boys is a bit of task now. Carter still wants to be chauffeured around, and well Tucker would take hours walking from one store to the next, so I am faced with a slight problem. Most of the time Carter has to walk, against his will, unless my mom is with me and she'll push one stroller and I'll have the other. When I made it in to BRU, I checked the stroller out and for whatever reason I walked away from it. I didn't feel the urge to spend $110 on a stroller. So, we left. I am still shocked, and trying to figure out how on earth I walked out of BRU without spending a dime! That has NEVER happened!
Yesterday, was just a normal day on Cow Bird Lane. We are having a pond dug on our property, so we have the pleasure of listening to large equipment go up and down the driveway a hundred times a day. I'm not complaining... we're getting paid for the dirt that is being transported from here. Nap time was a little difficult yesterday though. I kept telling Carter to lay down, go to sleep. His response, that tractor keeps beeping, and I can't close my eyes momma! Finally he said, he'd go to sleep if I laid on the couch beside him. So, I did. TWO HOURS later, I woke up to the backdoor slamming, Travis was home. To his surprise, his wife and sons were all asleep! Oops, sorry honey... I swear we've I have accomplished stuff around here today! Promise... look around!
Today we wake up to mud puddles in every corner of our yard, and as far as you can see. It's been raining since last night and as I type this very moment the bottom just fell out, again! I enjoy these days... sometimes. Not all the time. Today I've finished the mounds of laundry that were starting to overtake us, I've vacuumed the house, I've swept the floors (twice), I've managed to put Tucker down for a nap three times, only to go back in there three times to get him. Now, he's down. I finally won!!! He's such a fighter somedays.
Tomorrow is an exciting day. We are taking Carter to the circus, for the first time. On our way home from visiting Granny Vera on Tuesday, we were stopped at the railroad tracks. The train that was coming by was the circus train! It was really neat to see all the cars, we were hoping to see the animal cars but no such luck. I can just imagine the excitement that Carter is going to have tomorrow. He has it a little confused with the fair. He keeps asking me if that big wheel thing (the ferris wheel) is going to be there. I keep telling him no, but he insists that they will be. You can bet your bottom dollar I'll have my camera in hand with me tomorrow so be on the look out for those pictures!! :)
With just over a month to go, I figured we'd get a jump start on Tucker eating cake. The kid loves to eat, that's a given. I made cupcakes the other day and after dinner I said what the heck and gave him one. Here's what happened!!! And this is what happens when it's all gone! He falls apart, sugar addict!!! I can tell already that eating his first birthday cake is going to be serious business!!! My baby is a pro at this!!!!
Are you happy with your self, are you happy with where your life is, are you chasing your dreams or the dreams someone else is dreaming? I've been thinking a lot lately about how fake our society is. You have Hollywood and movie stars that think if they stretch this piece of skin, or cut off this flab, or add extensions to their hair, that their lives will be so much more wonderful. We live in a society where a young 14 year old girl is worried about if she is thin enough, or if she has the right color hair. We have teenagers having plastic surgery before they can even drive. Don't get me wrong, I'd love to look like a supermodel with great hair...without the grey highlights, no pudgy wudgy around my midsection, a few less sun spots on my face but you know what, that stuff doesn't matter one bit at all. Christian artist, Johnny Diaz, has a song out called "Beautiful You". The words of this song are powerful and true. Take a minute and listen to the words, they are sure to bless you.
God isn't concerned with us being like the person sitting beside us at a restaurant, or the supermodel/movie star on the red carpet, He see us for who He made us to be. Our life that we are living is the life that He chose for us, and we should be content with that. We have to find peace and joy within ourselves first. No plastic surgery, no $100 pair of jeans, no car, nothing materialistic is going to make our lives 'better'. Yeah, sure those things will make you smile and make you 'look' good but if you're hearts still not happy behind closed doors when you're by yourself, you might want to re-examine your life.
I was faced with a situation tonight that left me thinking, how sad that their life is like that. How sad that they are so miserable within their own world that they have to chase after someone else's. A good friend of mine sent me a message and spoke some true, true words. She said "Be satisfied with what God gave you because it's HIS BEST FOR YOU!!!!!! You shouldn't want what other people have, it's second best." Think about it, chasing someone else's dream is that really going to bring you happiness? No, it's not. Trying to be like someone you watch on t.v., or listen to on the radio, that's not you. You shouldn't want what other people have. God has you at this point in your life for a purpose, if you are having a rough time, facing difficult decisions it's not that He is against you, often times He is trying to teach us. We're just too hardheaded to listen to what He's telling us.
The more I think about being yourself, the more I don't understand why people try so hard. Think about it, you walk through the mall and you see a group of teenagers and almost everyone of them is dressed identical to the other. All the girls have almost the exact same hairstyle, parted on the same side of their head in the exact same spot. They all talk the same, they all have the same body language, yet they think they are individuals. Are they?! Not in my book. What about the church goers that you see on Sunday morning, Bible in hand following the routine and what they are 'supposed' to be doing, but do they do that during the week??? Do you see where I'm going with this? I'm stepping on my own toes here, because I am not the A#1 Christian to be following. BUT... I want to be better. I want to stand out, but I want to stand out for God. I want to be the one that looks different and starts a trend that others want to follow. I've told myself that my top resolution for this 2010 year is to walk closer, hand in hand with my saviour. I want to know the Bible more, I want to be in a situation and remember a verse from God's word to get me through that time. I think it is high time that Christians stand tall and take a stand for our beliefs and the things that really matter in this world. It's not the clothes you wear, the car you drive, the house you live in.... it's the love in your heart. It's the testimony that you present each time you have to wait in line at Wal-Mart for twenty minutes. It's the actions that speak 'I'm a Christan', and I'm proud of it.
This weekend our city hosted Winter Jam 2010. I didn't have the opportunity to go this year but I did two years ago and what a blessing to be in a coliseum with thousands of Christians all praising and worshiping Jesus Christ. As I was getting driving on Saturday I heard the D.J. say that they had over 10,000 people at the concert on Friday night. A smile immediately came across my face and I knew great things had happened in that place. I remember the year my sister and I went how moving it was. To know that the place was filled with believers and they were not ashamed to show that they were praising God. Think about it, if we can get our young people on fire for Christ what a difference they will make in this world. It is a dark world. A dark world in search of something but so many don't even know the real thing that they are searching for. I think if Christians were to really stand up and storm this country like the celebrities of Hollywood are doing, that we would have a nation that is full of peace, love, and joy. We'd have a nation that had individuals, people that stand out because they stand up for Christ Jesus.
My heart is burdened for several friends and family members that I know are far from Christ. Their lives are troubled, their hearts are heavy. It is my prayer that they will quit chasing the things of the world, and chase the one thing that will get them out of this world. Our days are short, and numbered. We're not promised our next breath, nor are we promised tomorrow. Will you take a stand today to be different? Will you be a trendsetter for God?
This weekend it became very apparent to me that the days of the cute cartoons are soon to be a thing of the past. I remember thinking three years ago that I would never get, "Mickey Mouse Club house, come inside it's fun inside..." out of my brain.
Then this weekend came and Carter says to me, I don't like those shows anymore. WHAT?!? You don't like those shows anymore, how on earth could you not? These are great... to my surprise he wanted the big boys shows. I asked him if he wanted to watch Little Einsteins, Little Bear, The Backyardigans, Blue's Clues, or even Charlie & Lola. To each he said, no. He wanted to watch the Hotwheels something another, so I turned it on and he was in hog heaven. He was making all sorts of car noises as I sat on the couch looking at him thinking, 'he can not watch this stuff, he must continue to watch the toddler shows that he's watched for the past three years'. Sitting there watching that show thinking how boyish it was, and how there were no cute songs, or games to play along with... it hit me like a ton of bricks. My little boy will be five this year.
I am almost 100% certain that as August 19, 2010 gets closer I'm going to get more anxious about that date. I don't feel like he should be turning five, I don't feel like I'm old enough to have a five year old, but in all reality... it's true. If only I could invent some sort of time capsule or something to keep him four. I was talking to my friend Kari, who has her on little girl fixing to turn five in just four days, and I asked if she was okay with this birthday. She silently shook her head no and then said that it was much harder to grasp then when D turned one. We both agreed that knowing our little ones would be turning five is much harder to deal with. One was like a completion, a closing of that first chapter. Five is more like the opening of a brand new book and a new adventure. They'll start school, they'll make new friends, they'll start having friends over, they'll go for sleep overs, field trips, the possibilities are endless. I suppose what Kari and I are dealing with is just a case of the momma blues. We've hit one of those milestones that makes us wish for just once we could stop the hands of time and keep our babies, babies.
To my friend Kari, this week I'm sure is an emotional roller coaster for you!! Here's wishing D a very Happy 5th Birthday, and may you find the courage to face it... LOL!!! :)
As you all know by now, I hate the cold. I'm miserable when it's cold, I complain when it's cold, and it just puts me in a blah, crabby mood. A week ago today it was so stinking cold that we, well I, was literally cold to my core. I bundled Tbear up and we went out just for a few minutes. Here's a glimpse of how Floridians, dress for the 20 degree temps.
Here is Tucker dressed in a one piece velour sleeper, with a sweatshirt over it, a jacket on top, mittens, a sock cap, and the hoodie on top of that. Oh, and he had on fleece pants on top of his velour sleeper. He isn't a big fan of the mittens but after a few "no's" he left them on, good thing or his little fingers would have been ice cubes! Then we let him down to walk for a minute and I laughed so hard because he looked like the pillsbury dough boy trying to walk. Bless his heart I had him so bundled he could barely move!!! Our poor animals are even miserable. When we went out last week I wanted to lead them all inside so they could warm up, then realized I'd have quite the stinky mess to clean up if I did that. Ten or so cows, a donkey, a dog, could you imagine the chaos?! Just kidding, I did feel bad for them though as they stood in those frigid temps. Little Joe just looked at us and brayed as if he were telling us, he was freezing to death. Cowboy, our dog, he was enjoying the weather... I think. Maybe he just has a pea-size brain and it didn't register with him that it was 17 that morning and what dog in his right mind would want to play fetch?! The donkey and cows had frost on their backs. As did the ground, the roof, the pitchfork, the fence, the toys left in the yard. Seriously, it was c.r.a.z.y! Poor Cowboy, he loves to jump in his water bucket. The other day he went to jump in it and it was frozen over with ice.
We don't own the clothing we need for this kind of weather. At the most, 90% of the time we wear fleece jackets and a long sleeve shirt and can pretty much stay warm with just that. Not last week. Oh my sweet niblets we were living in igloos! I am so glad to say that this weekend has been nice. The week ahead should also be nice. I pray that those frigid 30 and 20 degree temps stay north. I've had my fare share of them, I should be good for another ten, twenty years. Oh who am I kidding, I'm good for the rest of my life!!! Bring me Florida heat and flip flops!!!!!
Then there are the fun things about weather this cold, the kids get to enjoy seeing the water hoses make ice on the fences, the water bucket for the dog freezes over so thick that he can only lick ice to drink. Granted, it's not snow or anything but Carter enjoyed it. It's the little things in life, right?! Oh, but then there are those downfalls too like the pump we had to replace. Yeah, thanks a lot frigid temps. We enjoyed spending that extra $450 for a new pump last week! Thanks for coming to visit us, now pack your bags and GET OUT!!!!!
I am a wife & mother. My husband is Travis and we have two beautiful boys, Carter and Tucker, that bring us more joy than we ever dreamed possible!These three consume my life and I am so grateful that God has allowed me to be a part of their lives. Travis is an amazing husband. He deals with my moody self with no complaints! Carter is a loving, happy, and on the go six year old. He makes us smile regardless of the situation. Tucker is our shy guy, but don't let the shyness fool you he's a firecracker underneath! His giggle is contagious, his eyes sparkle, and he gives the sweetest kisses! My family is pretty much my life, all the other stuff are extra blessings. I started this blog as a reminder to myself the days I wish to remember.
I started blogging in April of 2008. I wasn't really sure of what I was doing when I started this whole thing or whether or not I'd even stick with it. Looking back over the past year, I am so grateful that I jotted down the little memories that make up our life. The days pass so quickly I don't want to forget the funny little things that my children say or the moments that brought smiles to my face, or the bumps in the road that made my faith stronger. Blogging has become a part of my routine. I enjoy looking back and reading things that happened weeks back, and also sharing what's going on in our lives with my family & friends.
Have a question for me? Send me an email,
I thank God for my husband, Travis, each and every day. I love the way he puts up with my quirky ways and loves me regardless. He is a true blessing, and my life would not be complete without him. I LOVE YOU TRAV!
Our little cowboy
My oldest son, Carter. Six years old and full of energy and spunk. Each day is bright and fresh with this child, full of questions and a little heart that over flows with love. He's funny, sweet, and brings more smiles to my life then I ever dreamed possible!!! I LOVE YOU MORE CARTER!!!
Cowboy in training....
My little Tucker, a.k.a Tucker Bear, is such a little firecracker!! He is shy at times but when it's just us at home, expect the unexpected!!! He loves to sing. He loves to do whatever his Daddy and brother are doing. His eyes sparkle like stars and he gives the sweetest kisses. He's the life of the party, too! Twinkle, twinkle... I love you!