We set out for a four day vacation to the beach, and we were packed to capacity! I could barely see out the back window of my Expedition. I told Travis if I didn't know better I'd think we were packing up and leaving him. It was just the me and the boys, with my mom, brother, and sister.
Let me give you a little background. I'm not a beach lover. In no way, shape or form do I care to spend my down time at the beach. Because I am a team player and I know how much my little Carter-bug loves to put his toes in the sand, and ride the waves of the ocean I suck it up and do things that I know will make his little heart go pitter patter. Carter was so excited to get on the road. We had a few pit stops to make before reaching the beach, and he was started to get a little annoyed with me and my stops. We finally make it to the condo (thanks to my in-laws for allowing us to crash at their place)!
We had to unpack the truck, and get the ins and outs of the facility from Papa Buddy. People were looking at me as if I were a part of the Clampets that were moving to Beverly Hills! I had everything from beach stuff, to grocery stuff, to toys, to camera gear, you name it! I always over pack, always. But I'd rather over pack and not need half of what I brought than to need it and not have it. Granted there was a Target, Publix, Wal-Mart and any other store you could think of within minutes of the condo. I, however, was prepared I didn't need those places!
After unloading, and everyone else arrived, we made our way to the sandy beach. Once over the boardwalk where he could see the ocean, Carter was ecstatic! Nothing, and I mean nothing was going to keep him from the crashing waves. Little Tucker-bear, he was just as excited as Carter. I was assuming that he would be hesitant like Carter was for his first beach experience. Wrong. Tucker was all about it! Once his little pudgy feet hit the white sand, he was off!
I knew at that moment that I was in for it. I had not only one, but two beach bums on my hands!
Carter splashing in the water, Tucker digging in the sand and throwing seashells, does it get any better then this? Granted it's not my cup of tea, I still enjoyed watching their little faces light up. To sit in the sand with my baby and watch as his face watched with amazement of the sand, shells, birds, and the waves.
Sitting there hearing Carter's little chuckles and giggles along with the crashes of the waves... priceless! His giggle is a part of his childhood that I hope I never, ever forget. I can hear it and it immediately makes me smile.
We spent our days going from the beach, to the pool, to nap, then back to the beach. The boys had an absolute blast. My beach loving family, mom, Jason, Megan, Jessica, and Kyle, well they loved it too! I was so glad to spend the time we had together. To know that we are all grown now and have our 'own' lives to lead, it's nice to still find time to bond and sit around the table and reminisce about childhood memories. Reminiscing about our memories, and watching my boys make their own memories, felt good.
Tucker was designated as the new welcoming committee of Jacksonville Beach! He waved at anyone, and everyone. Whether they waved back or not, he kept waving saying, "hi!" We had a really good time. I enjoyed it more than I expected too! :) I still wouldn't call myself a beach lover, but for my kids I'll go! Their smiles, giggles, and beach bum tans make it all worth while!