I have about 20-22 pounds that I'd like to lose. I'd be content with 20, really happy with 22, and ecstatic if I lost 25. I look at pictures of myself and I just shake my head. It's my fault, so it's time that I make the change. I don't really know why I've decided to blog about this, maybe for more accountability who knows. The weight watchers meetings are on Monday evenings, so maybe I'll do Monday check ins with you all.
Let's just pray I can stay away from the cookies, cakes, and other goodies that line my pantry! How much willpower can I really put forward???? That my friends is the question. Oh, and of all weeks to start a new weight loss adventure I pick Tucker's first birthday week. Seriously, stress more then normal and I choose this week to count points?! I'm nuts, it's official.
This picture has nothing to do with the post... well maybe the chubby cheeks (and I say Tucker looks nothing like me, yeah right)and that extra chin, but I like it anyways the picture that is, not the chin!!!!
I just wanted to say I LOVE the pic of you and Travis. So sweet. And, that look on his face transferred straight to Tucker!! Chip off the ole block.
LOL..I blogged about this too! :) I even gave you alittle shout out in mine.. <3
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