Last Friday he had the chance to dress up as a story book character. He pulled out his Buzz Light Year book and costume and was certain that is what he would be. The school would do a book parade that morning and all the kids would dress up as their favorite story book character.
The teachers joined in and it was a lot of fun seeing everyone's ideas. There were witches, there were puppy dogs, monsters, princesses, cowboys, several Buzz Light Years, Hobby Lobbie, Goldie Locks, a caterpillar and the list goes on and on!
After the parade I stuck around to help out with Carter's Fall festivities in his class. We made spiders to go on their lollipops, a tree that they made using their fingerprints as leaves, a pumpkin plate, a mask, bracelet, and they made monster mash for a snack!
It was great to see all the little people that Carter spends the majority of his week with. I sat back and wondered how many of these little ones would go all the way through high school with Carter. Would any of them be life long friends? I remember my elementary school years very well. Several of those friendships are still with me today and I wouldn't have it any other way!!
We ended the morning with lunch with Carter's best pal, Cody. Then we patiently awaited the homecoming parade! The boys had the greatest time. Tucker chilled in the back of my truck watching Elmo for the longest time until he heard the band coming down the street. He then took a front row seat on the side of the street. He enjoyed his pink lollipop as Carter went after each piece of candy that flew through the air!
I love days like today. It makes me smile really big to spend moments like this with the little fellows that mean the most to me!!!
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