Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Preschool Christmas play

I am so behind, I forgot to even post about Carter's Christmas play. It wasn't until about two days before the play that he informed me he was going to be a donkey! Umm, son... how did you get picked to be the donkey?!  That was my initial thought but he made the cutest donkey I'd ever seen!!
We made cookies that afternoon so that all the grandparents could come by afterwards and enjoy a few minutes with my little preschooler. How is it that a preschool play can make a mother so very proud? Camera in hand, of course, I found a spot on the floor in the aisle (along with several other moms), to get a few shots of my little donkey. He came through the door and I couldn't help but gleam with joy. He's a handful sometimes, but oh my stars that child is such a blessing to my soul. He made his way on stage and was waving to Travis and the rest of the family. They started singing their songs and he was singing his little heart out!!
I sat there on the floor trying to figure out where on earth the past four and a half years have gone. How on earth did I go and get myself a five year old, close enough. He's so grown up about somethings, and somedays I just want to put my hand on his head and push him back down a few years. Would that be considered child abuse?! I don't think there was a parent in that auditorium that wasn't proud that night. There's nothing more precious to me then a child that sings Christmas carols, and recites John 3:16 to a room full of people. God uses even the youngest of children to touch hearts all during the year. To hear a group of twenty or so four year olds recite John 3:16.... touching. Then to hear them sing Silent Night, it brought chills to every inch of my body. Tears streaming down my face, I was so touched to hear those little voices singing about the true meaning of Christmas.
I give kudos to the preschool teachers, and all teachers for that matter. They are helping to instill in our children values that they will take with them forever. I've watched Carter learn so much this year in school. It's bittersweet, but it's a blessing also. This holiday season I've read many stories about children that are battling cancer and their families are holding on for one more day. Praying that God gives them just one more day. I'm so thankful for my children. Even the days that I feel like I should be admitted to a crazy farm... I'm grateful.
***Do you see where his finger is?! Oddly enough he did the exact same thing last year during the play! N.I.C.E***

Merry Christmas!!!

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