Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A year of blogging

Today marks my one year blogging anniversary.  When I started blogging I wasn't really sure what the purpose was, or if it was even worth my time.  I looked back through my blog entries last week and realized my 'anniversary' was coming up!  A year sure does fly by.  

My thought of whether or not this was worth my time has been answered.  It is worth every bit of time it takes me to jot down the little things that make my life tick.  As I read some of the entries over the last year, I am so grateful that I took the time to snap the picture and blog the thought. Life is so unbelievably hectic that we forget those little things.  Those little moments that made us have that gut laugh, come on you know what I'm talking about the ones that make your stomach hurt.  Or the moment that your little one said that precious little phrase, whatever it might be.  Or just the moments that make you stop in your tracks and say thank you Lord.  

My blog is a blessing to me.  It is my daily reminder that the housework can wait, but the little ones who are asking you to play or just snuggle with me, can not.  Thank you to those of you that have been keeping up with us and your comments!  It's nice to know you are there ;)!!

Now to another year of blogging....


PS...I have tons of entries to finish and post about our Easter weekend, be looking for those in the next few days!!  :)


Lindsey said...

I love this...hope I can make it to the year, I am still feeling the same way that you were at the beginning! Congrats on your Anniversary!:)

Kari said...

LOVE this.. I am making a promise to myself to be a better blogger on my personal blog.

I looked back at the blog I started when D was a baby and I was just mushy. there was so much I had forgotten. I thought she wasn't a climber as a one year old then i came across the picture of her black eye from a fall. :)