Monday, April 5, 2010

My new favorite CD

I love music, it has always been a big part of my life. I always have the radio playing, always. Music just makes me smile, helps me reflect, and speaks to me more often then not. Last week I was walking through the CD department at Wal-Mart when I looked up and saw the new Point of Grace CD, "No changin' us". I knew it would be one I would have to get, I love all their songs!


I don't know if you are like me or not but anytime I get a new CD I have the cashier hold it out so I don't have to search for it when I get to the truck. This time was no different. As soon as I got in the truck, I popped it in and I promise you, it's not come out of my CD player yet!  I love every song on it. Each song immediately reminded me of some point in my life, some reminded me of the very moments I am living in right now. For example the song, "The Greatest Show on Earth"... it's my new fave of the moment! Every song on this CD is on my fave list. It's one I know I will play over, and over, and over again for months!

I told my sister it reminds me of a mom CD. It's songs that I think all moms can relate too! If you love music, pick this one up today! You can get it on Amazon for $12.99, and I promise you won't regret it! You can hear this album on

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