Twas the night before kindergarten and all through the house, not a creature was stirring not even a mouse. My Carter was ready, excited no doubt... tomorrow starts kindergarten, they'd better watch out!!!!
This morning came and went without any problems. Little man was awakened by his alarm clock, also known as, Tucker. When I made my way to his room Travis already had Tucker perched on Carter's bed watching Thomas the Train. Carter was lying there looking at me like are you kidding me, you want me to get up?! He's certainly my child, no question about it! He finally pulled himself out of bed. Just like his mother did when she was a child, he grumbled about breakfast, and said he'd just wait for lunch. I couldn't argue with him, I hated eating breakfast before school. Just ask my mom, she fought many, many mornings!!! I'm not ready to fight him just yet, LOL!!
After a few minutes the chipper, talkative Carter we all know and love was coming alive. He was dressed so pretty (yes I just said pretty... I know he's a boy, but he's pretty to me!), I just smiled. My heart was so excited, nervous, anxious, and a few butterflies were swarming in my stomach but not for long. How can you be sad when you see a child that is so ready?! I remember my first day of kindergarten, I walked up the ramp to my classroom opened the door, closed it and left my parents standing there. I knew deep down, given the opportunity Carter would leave me standing on the porch. He's ready, he's independent, and I can't argue with that because I'm pretty much looking at myself this morning, just 25 years later.
We spiked his hair, brushed his teeth, made sure his bag and lunch box were ready and we were off. Nana called as we were pulling out the driveway. He got his Nana pep talk, and we were off. I think she's more nervous than I am. As we came over the big hill before his school the excitement grew to a new level. We passed in front of the school looking for a parking space and he rolled down his window and said, "it's my school Momma, it's my school!!!" I knew at that moment, I'd be standing on the steps of the classroom if I wasn't careful.
He walked up to that school as big as a giant. No fear, no worries, he was there and wanted everyone to know it! Honestly there wasn't a bit of hesitation whatsoever! The teachers that were meeting students had us go to the cafeteria to wait until the bell sounded. When we got there, he went to walk in but looked back to see that I had fallen behind a bit, it was at that moment I saw the hesitation. I told him to go on in, he said, "are you coming with me?" We walked in together. I must admit though, I needed that little bit of 'I need you momma' from him. He may be growing up, fearless of most things, but he still needs me even though he likes to play tough. As we waited he saw some old friends, and met some new ones. As he talked to his friend, Jacbo, I over heard Jacob talking about playing football. The conversation of ball dropped, and then I heard Carter say...."what do you think of those girls over there?!" Lord help me, I'm in so much trouble with this mini Casanova! I told him we didn't need to be concerned with little girls. Be their friends, but pay attention to the teacher and our class work. Secretly I was praying he would drop the girl situation, NOW! A few more minutes we waited in the cafeteria and then his teacher arrived. From there we were off to class.
***The first signs of a school age child, "Shh! Don't say I love you!" and so it begins!***
There he sat in the classroom where he'd spend his first year. Dolphins lined the window, seashells lined the wall. It would be in this very room he'd learn so many new things, and I'd have to learn to let go and really watch him grow up before my eyes. Still no tears, but a heart flooding with joy and happiness. They finished watching the morning announcements, found a place on the rug for story time. I walked over, kissed him and told him to have a super day. Then I quietly stood at the back for another minute or two. Tucker and I then walked quietly out the door. As I looked back through the window, it was happening... I was the mom on the porch. My baby was spreading his wings and showing me how independent he was. I smiled big, and walked away. As I walked, I laughed to myself and thought... please Lord, don't let his little talkative, energetic self get into too much trouble today! I'm so very proud. It's 11:32, and I'm anxiously awaiting the moment I can go get him. I can't wait to hear all about his day and the stories he has for me!
Carter, you made me very proud this morning! You looked handsome as ever, and it was a joy to see how excited you were to start kindergarten! I hope that your year is filled with great memories. I look forward to all the new things you'll learn, and watching you spread your wings even more. I love you more and more with each passing day! Thank you for being such a ray of sunshine in my life. Now take off, and enjoy!!!
All my love, hugs, and kisses!