Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Before the day slips away...

Praise the Lord my sweet Tucker slept all night.  He went to bed last night at 8:15.  It is now 7:09 a.m. and my baby is still sleeping.  I slept for nine hours last night!!!  I'm like a kid in a candy store this morning!  I've been up since 6:00 because I was so rested!

When I got out of bed, I showered.  Then I headed to the kitchen, washed some dishes and then thought of "Before the Day".  This is such a powerful song to me.  I could play it over and over again.  All to often we let our days slip away before we stop and tell God how very much we love Him.  The day passes before we stop and take the time to say, thank you Lord for your many blessings on my life!  As the songs says, if we would just be still... and know that He is God. As Americans, we have so much going on.  Work, school, ball practice, dance, be here, be there, but we, I in particular, need to begin my day talking to God.  

I pray that last night was a start of a new trend at our house.  Nights full of contentment and much needed rest.  I have enjoyed being up before my family this morning.  Having time to just relax, smell the coffee brewing, watching the sun rise over the trees, and most of all taking the time to thank God that I'm alive and well.  

Take a minute today and listen to this song.  It is so true and wonderful.  Hope you enjoy it as much as I do.

God bless!! 


JaelCustomDesigns said...

Popping in from SITS! I love the pictures! So, I saw you post on the SITS roll call & I'm jealous!

I haven't had a full 8-9 hours of sleep since I was pregnant. In the womb my son was a night owl and out of the womb he keep rock start partying hours. Lol! I admire you.

Sarah said...

YAY! For your good night's sleep and peaceful morning. Love it when that happens. Found you on SITS - you beat me to roll call!

See you around!
