Monday, October 26, 2009

Memory Monday

*****JUST A WARNING... these pictures may be a bit graphic for some.  If you are opposed to hunting, or do not want to see a dead animal... DO NOT READ THIS POST!*****

This time of year always brings a certain excitement to the men of the family, and one lady... Granny!  You read that correctly, she is just as excited as the fellas about the opening day of hunting season. She's a die hard hunter.  The coldest morning is not going to keep her out of that tree stand. There have been a few times that she out hunts them all, which I think is kind of funny. Dressed in her camo, and gun in hand she's bound and determined.  
Hunting has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember.  From hunting with dogs, to rifle hunting, bow hunting, frog gigging.  You name it, I've probably seen it or been a part of it at some point in my life.  As a little girl I remember watching my Papa and Uncle get ready. Making sure their guns were sighted in, all the dogs were ready to get in the box and do their job. Before the sun would ever peek over the tree tops the guys would be long gone, hoping for the biggest buck of the season.
I remember listening to the hounds bark and yelp as they saw the truck coming to load them up.  It was like they knew, I guess they did since that was their "job".  Adrenaline was pumping everywhere!
Saturdays for the girls usually meant a shopping day, or cleaning house (woo hoo... lots of fun that was)!  The guys would hunt from early that morning until about 10ish, and then they would head back to the woods around 4ish. Occasionally I was lucky enough to ride with my Papa, and I thought it was the coolest thing ever.  Hearing the guys talk on the C.B. about which way the deer was headed and which dogs were chasing him, was exciting.  
As I got older the hunting scene just never really hit it big with me.  I don't mind it.  I know it's something my husband enjoys, it's something Carter is already excited about.  It's just not my thing.  I'm sure Travis would be ecstatic if I would put on my camo, throw a rifle over my shoulder, and be in the truck with him on his adventures... luckily, he knows it's not my cup of tea.  It's neat to watch this love of hunting run from Papa, to Travis, now to Carter.  Oh the stories I'm sure Carter will come up with in his lifetime!  He's going to be the one that always stretches the story a bit.  If it was really a spike, he'll tell you it was a ten point!  
Hunting is a family thing for us.  For those of you wondering, yes we do eat the meat.  We don't just kill to kill.  So, please no nasty comments.  :)  Thanks!! Here's wishing the hunters of our family much luck this season!


Heather said...

I have never been hunting, but personally have nothing against it. I can understand the desire to be out with nature and be able to provide for your family in that most basic of ways, rather than just run to the store and pick up a pack of meat.

What I love most about your story is the family tradition, and the fact that this is something your kids will remember as much as you do.

Anonymous said...

Okay, "Granny" is just too cute in her camo! My dad and brothers are avid hunters too. Tom's not and that's fine with me.

Anonymous said...

I've been a life long hunter and I am so happy you shared these pics! I especially love to see Granny!

Sonja said...

First of all I like that you put a disclaimer on this post. Not because I don't like it or because it offends me (I hunt too!) but because I honestly would have never thought to do it. As little as it is :) So thanks because *hopefully* I'll need one in a few weeks! ;)

Anyway! Brittany Bell?! She was there!! Such a sweetheart!! :) You should have come out!!!

Deborah Ann said...

Beautiful pictures, and I love Granny!

Angelia said...

What a beautiful blog! I found you from a link on my sister's blog.

I agree with Heather.
Your family is very rich with tradition. That's a beautiful thing!